Seattle DJ, The Beat Molester Takes 1st Place in 2023 DMC Battle for U.S. Supremacy

The Beat Molester takes first place in the 2023 DMC Battle for U.S. Supremacy.

Founded in 1983, by UK radio disc jockey Tony Prince as a club for DJ’s to trade pre-edited mixtapes, the DMC or Disco Mix Club as it was known, has evolved through the years to become the premier scratch, mix, and juggling DJ competition in the world. The current 2023 DMC battle series has moved through regional semi-finals and is beginning to close in on the world championship phase of its annual cycle.

This July 2, at the Storefront in Los Angeles, Seattle’s own The Beat Molester beat out DJ AkikoLUV for the DMC U.S. Supremacy title. The Beat Molester, who was also a U.S. finalist in 2020, will go on to represent the United States in the 2023 DMC World Finals.

Over the course of July and August, regional qualifying events will take place in Italy, China, and Japan, leading up to the World Finals. In recent years, DMC has begun holding some events online as well. A schedule of upcoming battles in the competition can be found at