Northwest Record Show
March 30 @ 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

At the Northwest Record Show, you will find tons of vinyl records, CDs, and other music-related collectibles for sale from dealers & stores from all over the PNW. There will be over 50 tables of records, LPs, 45s, CDs and music memorabilia. R&B, Funk, Jazz, Rock, Rockabilly, Blues, Country, Hip Hop, Folk, Bluegrass, Punk and more.
VENDOR TABLES FOR THIS SHOW ARE SOLD OUT! FOR DEALER INFO: PLEASE EMAIL Mike at msamplesj (at) aol (dot) com. DO NOT message here about dealer info, please.
Please help Northwest Harvest collect food for local food banks. Your food item is worth $1.00 off the price of admission. ($1 discount regardless of how much food you donate.)
Here are the details of the show:
Hours: 10:00AM – 5:00PM
Cost: $3.00 or $2.00 if non-perishable food is brought to benefit Northwest Harvest. (PLEASE IGNORE THAT IT SAYS “FREE” ON FACEBOOK. FB WON’T LET US CHANGE THAT.)
Hours: 10:00AM – 5:00PM
Cost: $3.00 or $2.00 if non-perishable food is brought to benefit Northwest Harvest. (PLEASE IGNORE THAT IT SAYS “FREE” ON FACEBOOK. FB WON’T LET US CHANGE THAT.)
Early admission at 8AM: $15.00.
We do not sell tickets in advance for this show. Admission is taken at the “door” on the day of the show.